Monday, March 23, 2009

capitol style

It's tough to put a finger on DC home style. With so many blocks of similar rowhouses, some residents will do whatever it takes to distinguish their property from their neighbors, be it an abstract sculpture in the yard, an unlikely paint color or an especially decorative entryway.

This home, for sale on Girard St NW, is a stand-out lot on the street with its royal blue trim and golden gargoyles atop the turret. I'm a big fan of the turrets and rounded windows on houses like these. You can find more photos and real estate info on this home here.

The much anticipated Cherry Blossom Festival (which I am very excited to finally attend) begins on Saturday. And the delicate blooms have a huge impact on spring style in this city. Check out Apartment Therapy DC for some lovely cherry blossom inspired decor.

I also wanted to share a find from designsponge. This vintage-looking bedside table is part of the DIY Wednesday post, and because it is Wednesday (and I love this table!) here you are. This is a perfect craft project for those of you with some weekend time. The end result is an easy-on-the-eye original piece of functional furniture.

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