Monday, February 16, 2009

i love lavie.

A friend of mine sent me Oren Lavie's album yesterday, and I can't stop listening to it. Each preceding track has such a different style, yet Lavie's velvety smooth voice binds this collection seamlessly. From the melodramatic piano piece, "The Man Who Isn't There," to the passionately orchestrated title track, "The Opposite Side of the Sea," Lavie demonstrates his talent of creating unique melody structures with breathy harmonies. Yes, this album is slightly old news for most of you. It was released in late 2007. But it's that good. I just wanted to remind you.

More recently, this lovely stop motion video of Lavie's catchy hit single, "Her Morning Elegance," was posted last month, and more recently featured as the video of the week on i-Tunes. It's beautiful, so enjoy.

Other things Oren Lavie and this video remind me of that I enjoy:
-The Kings of Convenience album "Riot on an Empty Street"
-The Science of Sleep written and directed by Michel Gondry
-Nick Drake's album Pink Moon
-My friend Zach Denton, because he looks just like Oren Lavie
-Julia Nunes' video of her original "Maybe I Will" (awesome ukulele stop motion)
-Eating a grapefruit, because that's what I'm doing right now.


  1. Haha he really does look just like Zach Denton.

  2. I've seen that video, but on mute; I should hear the song.

    Also, wow he could be Zach's twin!
